The general meeting may, on the proposal of the board and in accordance with Article 5 of the society’s statutes, admit any natural person to the association as an honorary member. Honorary members are persons whom the society especially wishes to distinguish. They therefore obtain or retain the status of effective members. Honorary members are exempt of membership fees.
Professor Henri-Jean-Victor Vleminckx (1829-1906) founding president
Professor René Piédelièvre (1891-1975) France
Professor Paul Brouardel (1837-1906) France
Professor Alexandre Lacassagne (1843-1924) France
Professor Eduard von Hofmann (1837-1897) Austria
Professor Fernand Héger-Gilbert (1878-1957) former president
Professor Maurice De Laet (1891-1964) former president
Professor Jean La Barre (1896-1978) ULB
Professor G. Brahy (1938-2106) Former president – Director of the Legal Medicine department at the University of Liege. For more information:
Professor G. De Roy (XXX)
Professor M. Roman (XXX)
Professor Professor Hänsch (XXX) Pathologist and emeritus professor of legal medicine at the University of Antwerp
Professor Philippe Lefèvre (1946- ) ULB
Professor Paul Daenens (XXX) KU Leuven
Professor Michel Piette (1948- ) 2x former president
Professor Jean-Pol Beauthier (1950- ) 2x former president
Professor Wim Van de Voorde (1958 – ) former president. Former head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University Hospitals Leuven and emeritus professor at KU Leuven.