KBGGG-SRMLB Upcoming events
Evenement details:
do19okt2017vr20okt2017Château de Colonster, Liège (Belgique)
6émes Journées internationales de toxicologie
Liège, 19 et 20 Octobre 2017
Château de Colonster
Allée des Erables, Bât B25
4000 Liège (Belgique)www.chuliege.be/congrestoxicoliege2017
Téléchargez le programme définitif
Téléchargez le formulaire inscription général
Visit the page upcoming event for more information about meetings and congress
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🔜 19/04/2024 (afternoon): Annual forensic scientific meeting of the SRMLB-KBGGG at the KULeuven University
🔔 Please do save these dates in your diaries. 🔔
More information about the programmes, how to register etc. will be sent out soon and will also be posted on our website