Conference – Accidents in all their aspects – 24-25 Nov 2023 – Luik – Liège

Please find the registration link at the bottom of the pdf document.

Dear members,

The international congress organised by the five Belgian associations dealing with the assessment of personal injury and by the European Institute of Experts and Expertise will take place on Friday and Saturday 24 and 25 November 2023 at the BLUE POINT in Liège.

The chosen theme is “Accidents in all their aspects”. The goal is to provide an update on the latest medical, judicial and financial (insurance, etc.) developments. Numerous experts will present their subjects in short 15-minute presentations.

Psychiatry, neurology, vascular surgery, disaster medicine, urology, the legal profession (lawyers), the judiciary, emergency services, home care, financial settlement of claims, patient representatives, prosthetic and orthotic aids, etc. will all be discussed.

All aspects of accidents

The conference will review the latest developments in medical, legal and financial matters (insurance, etc.) in psychiatry, neurology, vascular surgery, disaster medicine, urology, the role of magistrates and lawyers, emergency services, home care, financial settlement of damages, patient representation, prosthetic and orthotic aids, etc. At the same time, the Royal Belgian Society of Forensic Medicine will be holding a conference on forensic medicine and criminal law in a second room. Most of the speakers are academics. It should be noted that there will also be a separate section dealing with forensic medicine and criminal law, organised by the Royal Belgian Society of Forensic Medicine.

The speakers will be spread over two days (one day on Friday and half a day on Saturday morning). Simultaneous translation will be provided, as the speakers are both French- and Dutch-speaking. The full programme will be announced shortly.

The 26 speakers (or more) are spread over several rooms.

There will also be a number of social activities, including a wine tasting session led by one of our expert colleagues who is also a renowned oenologist (for a small fee).

The full programme will of course include, as usual, the welcome coffee, morning and afternoon coffee breaks and a lunch on Friday.

Last but not least, on Friday evening, the gala dinner will be hosted by chef Jean-Luc DANIEL, of the famous restaurant “Le Cabochon”, known for his culinary presentations on RTBF as well as for organising numerous meals for various international organisations.

A list of hotels collaborating on our conference on request

Finally, we would like to point out that the Blue Point has a guaranteed car park for 120 cars, and that parking spaces are readily available in the streets adjacent to the establishment.



for the organising committee

  • Dr. Koen BROUWERS
  • Dr. Michel WILLEMS
  • Prof. Bram BEKAERT
  • Prof. François BEAUTHIER
  • Dr. Thierry WANET
  • Mr. Etienne CLAES

Announcement – Save the dates

📢 Dear colleagues and friends 📢

It’s been a busy few months for the board of KBGGG-SRMLB and since our scientific afternoon in May we’ve been in the process of organising the next few meetings. 📆📝

So here are already some save-the-dates for your diaries to register :

🔜 24-25/11/2023 (1.5 days): National expert meeting on accidents in Liège organised by 6 professional societies, including yours truly KBGGG-SRMLB. The forensic part will be in the afternoon of the 24th

🔜 15/12/2023 (whole day): Quality assurance symposium in Hof ter Musschen, Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, organised by no one other than BLT (Belgian and Luxembourg Toxicologists) and KBGGG-SRMLB 

🔜 19/01/2024 (afternoon): Our general assembly at the good old Faculty Club, Leuven

🔜 19/04/2024 (afternoon): Annual forensic scientific meeting of the SRMLB-KBGGG (location TBC)

🔔 Please do save these dates in your diaries. 🔔

More information about the programmes, how to register etc. will be sent out soon and will also be posted on our website

Forensic Scientific Conference – 12/05/2023 : Registration and Program

On the 12th of May 2023in the afternoon, the board of the SRMLB-KBGGG will be organising a scientific conference.

The meeting (and the subsequent dinner) will take place at the beautiful Hof ter Musschen in Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe.

CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION (until May 4th 2023 included)

Ethics & Economy accreditation : 1 credit-point

Pathology accreditation : 2,5 credit-points (requested)

Program :

13:30 – 14:30 : Welcome Coffee

14:30 – 14:45: Introduction by the President of the SRMLB-KBGGG,   Professor Bram Bekaert, PhD, KUL

14:45 – 15:00:  Activity-based detection of designer drugs: an added-value for forensic medicine  Liesl Janssens, UGent

15:00 – 15:15: Death might be the price to pay for vaginal rejuvenation Dr Anja Kerschen, forensic pathologist trainee, UCL

15:15 – 15:30: Preliminary study: quantification of the post-mortem evolution of skin hydration Dr Aurélien Partoune, forensic pathologist trainee, ULg

15:30 – 15:45: Acute pulmonary emphysema in death by violent asphyxia Dr Arthur Weber, forensic pathologist trainee, ULB

15:45 – 16:00: Poisoning with atropine-based eye drops: an almost perfect murder?  Aurélien Boland, INCC

16:00 – 16:30: Coffee Break

16:30 – 16:45: Forensic DNA-analysis on-chip and in the field Professor Dieter Deforce, PhD, UGent

16:45 – 17:00 : The neuropathology of non-traumatic brain haemorrhage Professor Martin Lammens, PhD, CUSL

17:00 – 17:15 : Petechial Hemorrhages after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Dr Floor van den Hombergh, forensic pathologist trainee, KUL

17:15 – 17:30 : Ketamine uropathy Dr Eline Baetens, forensic pathologist trainee, UZA

17:30 – 17:45 : Forensic dermatology : a new specialized field? About one case Dr Leo-Paul Secco and Dr Grégory Schmit, UCL

17:45 : Closing Ceremony by the President of the SRMLB-KBGGG, Professor Bram Bekaert, PhD, KUL

18:30 : Reception and Dinner

Participation fee :

Scientific meeting (13:30-18:00) :

Student/Medical trainee 30 € – Members 45 € – non-Members 50€

Reception and dinner (18:30 – 21:00) :

Student/Medical trainee + Members 75 € – non-Members 80 €

KBGGG VZM Bank Order  KBC : BE04 7350 5824 3131

(communication : name – surname – meeting and/or dinner)

Accreditation requested

CME Course ‘Forensic Neuropathology’

The CME Course ‘Forensic Neuropathology’, organized for the fourth time, will be held from 2nd -4th May 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland. As with each Euro-CNS course, it will consist of lectures with an emphasis on teaching, alternating with practical (case work-up and digital microscopy) sessions. This will be the first in-person course where no microscopes will be used, all microscopy being digital.

Forensic Neuropathology – Euro-CNS

General meeting on the 13th of January at the Faculty Club, Leuven

All members and candidate members are invited to attend our annual meeting on the 13th of January 2023 at the Faculty Club, Leuven.

The programme of the evening will be as follows:

18u00 welcome reception
18u30 presentation by Kyra Lunstroot (NICC/INCC): 1:1 taping op een lichaam – situatie in België’ – ‘Taping 1:1 sur un corps – situation en Belgique
19u00 general assembly – general information (national register, account, activities of the bureau)
19h30 other announcements (scientific afternoon, national congress, …) – presentation by new members
20h00 start diner
21h00 election new bureau
21h30 dessert en digestives

The code of the parking is #4061.

To register, send an e-mail to and transfer €60 to KBGGG/SRMLB KBC account : BE 04 7350 5824 3131.

Please do not forget to pay your annual membership fee: (50 euros – best before 31.12.22) as only effective members are allowed to vote during the general assembly.

Candidate members should send their motivation letter, the name of their promotor and a copy of their CV to and

Hope to see you on the 13th.


Appliquer le droit au fait nécessite de connaître l’un et de comprendre l’autre.  

Parce que le droit médical et le droit du dommage corporel sont également soumis à cette double exigence, les Etats généraux du droit médical et du dommage corporel 2023 se placent à la croisée des domaines du droit et de la médecine. 

Nouveauté cette année, pour explorer ces deux domaines aux liens étroits, les thèmes étudiés sont répartis sur deux journées : les vendredis 21 et 28 avril 2023.

La journée du 21 avril 2023 traitera de la problématique des amputations. Le thème choisi   «Corps amputé, corps prothésé : simple puzzle de la réparation ? »  incite à une réflexion sur le parcours suivi par une personne confrontée à une amputation, depuis l’annonce de celle-ci jusqu’à l’intégration de son corps endommagé dans une existence ainsi quelque peu précarisée. 

La journée du 28 avril 2023 s’intéressera à diverses questions spécifiques et variées du droit médical et au droit du dommage corporel, telles que la gestion de la violence à l’hôpital, la décision thérapeutique et les tensions qu’elle crée, le registre national des experts, la place de la visioconférence dans l’expertise médicale, le préjudice d’impréparation, les bienfaits de la rente et quelques questions procédurales.

Ce colloque est destiné aux juristes (avocats, magistrats, juristes d’entreprises).  Il peut aussi intéresser les médecins pratiquant l’expertise médicale.

Plus d’info ici.

Voorstelling cursus UGent: Inleiding tot het recht voor gerechtsdeskundigen

Bent u gespecialiseerd in een bepaald domein en wilt u vaststellingen doen tijdens een deskundigenonderzoek? Wilt u technisch advies bezorgen met het doel een geschil, dat aan de rechtbank wordt voorgelegd, te beëindigen?

Als gerechtsdeskundige moet u een juridische opleiding volgen om opgenomen te worden in het register voor gerechtsdeskundigen. De opleiding ‘Inleiding tot het recht voor gerechtsdeskundigen’ van de Universiteit Gent beantwoordt volledig aan de door de wet en het KB voorgeschreven opleidingsvereisten voor de juridische kennis.

Wat omvat de opleiding? Hoeveel kost het? Hoe kan ik slagen voor de opleiding? Deze en vele andere vragen worden beantwoord op onze webpagina.

Ontdek hier het volledige programma.