12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI)
18th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Radiographers (IAFR)

For more information visit https://www.isfri.org/annual-meeting/.
Société Royale de Médecine Légale de Belgique – Koninklijk Belgisch Genootschap voor Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde
12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI)
18th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Radiographers (IAFR)
For more information visit https://www.isfri.org/annual-meeting/.
Prof Dr Tony Fracasso is in the search of an assistant at Lausanne. The post will be for 1 year or more and it will be possible to obtain a contract of indefinite duration after a positive evaluation. For more information contact Prof Fracasso at Tony.Fracasso@hcuge.ch.
Voor meer informatie: https://www.dyingtomeetyou.nl/en/home.html
In 2020 the Dutch Forensic Medical Society (FMG) celebrated its 40th anniversary of contributing to medical forensic science and education in the Netherlands. Due to COVID-19 we will celebrate our jubilee on
We invite you to join us in Rotterdam for an exciting scientific meeting. The motto of the conference – Dying to meet you -reflects our need to connect with international colleagues to enhance global forensic medical knowledge.
Meet and listen to distinguished experts from eight different countries all over the world. Recent developments will be discussed in the fields of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Science, Pathology, Law and Human Rights.
The call for abstracts is open. Join us in Rotterdam to share your own cutting-edge research.
The location of our meeting has changed to:
Mgr Sencie Instituut (Erasmusplein 2) – auditorium 91.10.
Signs will be put up outside and inside the building to guide you to the auditorium.
The new location is very close to the original location and is next to Ladeuze square and parking as well as the university library.
Free parking is available at the Herman Servotte parking (parkstraat 53) with code 4052#.
See you on Thursday!
Lorsque l’Expert a la main.
Organisation : Prof. G. Quatrehomme, Prof. V. Alunni, Dr C. Bernardi
L’ostéologie de base en anthropologie : reconnaissance des os, latéralité.
Identification : ancienneté des restes, nombre minimum de victimes, sexe, âge, stature,
origine bio-géographique, signes particuliers.
Anthropologie lésionnelle : armes à feu, instruments contondants, tranchants et tranchants-contondants, carbonisations, démembrements
Where: Institut Universitaire d’Anthropologie médico-légale. Faculté de Médecine de Nice Prof. G. Quatrehomme, Prof. V. Alunni
For more information see the events section.