It is with tremendous pride that the board can present the final program of the first ever Quality Assurance Symposium that we are organising on friday 15th December 2023 at Hof ter Musschen, Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe.
This is the first time that your society in collaboration with the Belgian and Luxembourg toxicologists organise an event and we are convinced this will be a popular one, so do book early as places are strictly limited (early registration till 31st october, late registration till 30th november).
The interactive break-out sessions are focused on the practical aspects of quality assurance management and will therefore be organised in different languages (NL, FR and EN).
We also invite you to attend the dinner after the symposium to get to know the speakers and other participants in a more informal setting.
09u00 – 09u30: Keynote by Tom Hoorens, Advisor at the cabinet of the Vice-prime minister and the minister of Justice
09u30 – 10u00: Elke Van Rossen, Accreditation Manager at BELAC
10u30 – 10u30: Johan Guns, Head of QA and Regulatory Affairs Medical Laboratories and Tissue Establishments, UZ Brussel
11u00 – 11u30: Fabien Julemont, Quality Manager, Federal Judicial Police
11u30 – 12u00: Wim Van de Voorde, Professor at KU Leuven and Head of the Department for Forensic Medicine, UZ Leuven
13u00 – 14u45: Break-out sessions:
1. Els Dequeker, Quality assurance manager UZ Leuven – Professor at KU Leuven. Topic: managing quality assurance in practice (NL)
2. Didier Meuwly, Principal Scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute and Forensic Biometrics Chair at the University of Twente. Topic: a new ISO-norm for forensic science: ISO 21043 (EN)
15u15 – 17u00: Break-out sessions:
1. Anne Leriche, Scientific consultant at the Public Prosecutors office – course leader at ULB. Topic: Comparison of ISO norms in practice (FR)
2. Hedwig Stepman, Clinical Biologist at UZ Gent. Topic: IVDR in practice (EN)
17u00 Reception
18u00 Dinner at Hof ter Musschen
Registration costs:
Early bird deadline is 31/10/2023 :
Member BLT/KBGGG-SRMLB : €135 (without dinner) – €225 (includes dinner)
Non-member : €150 (without dinner) – €250 (includes dinner)
Late stage deadline is 30/11/2023.
Member BLT/KBGGG-SRMLB : €180 (without dinner) – €260 (includes dinner)
Non-member : €200 (without dinner) – €300 (includes dinner)
Please register HERE (confirmation after registration and payment).
IGO and RIZIV/INAMI point have been applied for and are pending approval.